Oral Presentation Tentative Schedule.Click here..
Poster Session Tentative Schedule. Click here..
Atleast one author should register per accepted paper.If one author has submitted multiple papers the author is required to register for all the accepted papers. Single author multiple presentation with single registration is not allowed.
If more than one of the authors of a single paper wants to participate in the conference, they should also register to participate in the conference.
Selected Papers will be Published in the International Journals: "Chemical Product and Process Modeling" De Gruyter Publications, "Energy Sources Part A" Taylor and Francis Publications, "Waste Management & Research" SAGE Publications
Selected papers after review will be published in Special Issue of "Environmental Science and Pollution Research" Springer Journal
Acceptance from the Publishers for Special Issue in Some more renowned International Journals are in the process
The aim of this Conference is to explore the advances on design and operation of chemical plants, development of advanced/ novel functional materials and processes, analyzing substances, measuring the physical properties of substances and testing theories. This event brings you an immense opportunity to interact with young scholars and scientific delegates to utilize the expertise and novelties that brings a new era for innovations in the fields of Chemical Engineering, Energy and environmental engineering for sustainable ecosystem. As part of the golden jubilee celebration of chemical engineering department, life time achievement awards and young researcher awards will be given at the end of the conference.
National Institute of Technology (formerly known as Regional Engineering College) Tiruchirappalli, situated in the heart of Tamil Nadu on the banks of river Cauvery, was started as a joint and co-operative venture of the Government of India and the Government of Tamil Nadu in 1964 with a view to catering to the needs of man-power in technology for the country. The college has been conferred with autonomy in financial and administrative matters to achieve rapid development. Because of this rich experience, this institution was declared an Institution of national importance and renamed as National Institute of Technology. NITT was registered under Societies Registration Act XXVII of 1975
Established in 1967, the Department of Chemical Engineering, NIT Tiruchirappalli is regarded as one of the premier centres for Chemical Engineering in India by industries as well as academia. It also has the distinction of being ranked as one of the top seven Chemical Engineering division in India by Chemical Engineering Faculties.
ICACSE 2018 invites Industries and organizations to advertise themselves during the conference. Your organization will appear as a major industry player to delegates and other exhibitors/sponsors during the event, making a great contribution to your marketing plan. The opportunities available are in the form of advertisement in the Book of Abstracts, exhibition booths and banners displayed at the venue and website. Additionally, more exposure may also be sought through sponsoring registration kit items, breakfast, lunch and dinner events.
CSIR-Indian Institute for Toxicology Research, Lucknow, INDIA
Associate Dean, The University of Nottingham, Malaysia
Director, UCL Institute for Materials Discovery, University College London, UK
Department of Biological & Chemical Engineering, Inha University, Incheon, South Korea
Deputy Head, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering,National University of Singapore
Professor, School of Chemical Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
Dr. Yun Suk Huh, Inha University, Korea
Prof. Kwang-Leong Choy, University College of London, UK
Dr. Ashok Pandey, CSIR-Indian Institute for Toxicology Research, Lucknow, India
Dr. P. Agamuthu, University of Malaya, Malaysia
Dr.Shekar Viswanathan, National University, San Diego, CA, USA.
Dr. John V Kennedy, National Isotope Centre, New Zealand
Dr. Praveen Linga, NUS, Singapore
Dr. Arvind Rajendran, University of Alberta, Canada.
Dr.Sivakumar Manickam, University of Nottingham, Malaysia
Dr.Thanapalan Murugesan, University Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia
Dr.M. Ramasamy, University Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia
Prof.G.D.Yadav, ICT, Mumbai
Mr.P.S. Singh, FICCI, New Delhi
Dr.Giridhar Madras, IISc. Bangalore
Dr.Nitin Kaistha, IIT Kanpur
Dr.G.Pugazhenthi, IIT Gwahatti
Dr.V.S.Moholkar, IIT Gwahatti
Dr.N. Balasubramanian, A.C. Tech., Anna University Chennai
Dr.Saravanan Pichiah, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad
Dr.A.Seshagiri Rao, NIT Warangal
Dr.P.Gopinath,IIT Roorkee
Dr.C.Anandharamakrishnan, Director, IIFPT, Thanjavur.
Dr. Mini Shaji Thomas, Director, NIT Tiruchirappalli
Dr. P. Sivashanmugam
Dr. N. Anantharaman
Dr. T.K. Radhakrishnan
Dr. J. Sarat Chandra Babu
Dr. K. M. Meera Sheriffa Begum
Dr. P. Kalaichelvi
Dr. M. Arivazhagan
Dr. G. Arthanareeswaran
Dr. K. Muthukumar
Dr. A. Arunagiri
Dr. M. Perumalsamy
Dr. K. N. Sheeba
Dr. S. Saravanan
Dr. M. Matheswaran
Dr. T. Sivasankar
Dr. N. Samsudeen
Dr. Nagajyothi Virivinti
ICACSE 2018 aims to provide a platform for educators and researchers from universities, colleges, businesses, industries and other private and public agencies not only to present their recent and latest researches but also to share their thoughts and discuss future prospects in the field of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering systems.
Dr. A. Arunagiri / Dr. M. Perumalsamy
Secretaries, ICACSE 2018
Department of Chemical Engineering,
National Institute of Technology,
Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu - 620015, INDIA.
Email ID: icacse2018@gmail.com
Phone :+91-431-250 3112, 3114
Other contacts :+91-431-250 3113, 3116, 3119, 3120, 3131